The Turn Based Shooter Kit provides:
Shared components
- Dialogue Component: Allows any actor (e.g. terminals, NPCs) to have dialogue lines
- Stats Component: Define stats and their influence on damage dealt and taken, for example: accuracy, defense and agility
- Health Component: Defines the actor’s health and armor stats. Handles health regeneration and death state
- Grid-based movement and rotation
- Weapon selection and fire requests
- Object interaction
- Experience Component: Defines player experience and level
- Interaction Component: Allows the player to interact with terminals, NPCs, doors etcetera
- Inventory Component: Handles the player items and weapons. Defines types, amounts and max amounts
- Item Component: Allows the player to use items
- Vision Component: Defines the player’s current vision (what is in front of the player)
Weapon system
- Each weapon is easy to set up using the customization options: burst size, weapon range, damage and damage radius, fire delays, accuracy and more
- AmmoComponent: Handles the ammo for the weapon. Defines the ammo per shot, ammo type and whether it weapon has unlimited ammo
- Easily define more enemies by inheriting from the BaseEnemy class and overriding the component values
- EnemyActivationComponent: Handles the activation state and defines the activation radius
- EnemyAttackComponent: Defines the enemy attack using stats like attack range, attacks per turn, damage and damage radius
- EnemyMoveComponent: Defines the enemy moves using stats like move time and moves per turn
- Predefined health and armor items as examples
- Generic SimpleItem that can be modified for most use cases (e.g. giving ammo)
- Weapon items to unlock weapons on pick-up
- Interactive objects such as sliding doors, terminals, and exits to other levels
- Exploding barrels and level decoration
Character select
- Allow the player to choose their archetype
- Selection of 3 archetypes available
Save load system
- Save and load any time during the game
- Keeps track of player, enemy and object status using component data
- Easily extendible
- Saves the data per level
- Current health / Maximum health
- Current armor / Maximum armor
- Health and armor packs
- Current turn
- Vision of the player
- Log of the recent events
- Game over
- Game over text
- Load game option
- Return to main menu
- Pause menu
- Continue
- Inventory
- Save and load game
- Quit
- Main menu
- Start
- Player archetype selection
- Controls
- Quit
- Example animations (Flipbooks)
- Example SFX
- Example game music
Fully customizable to support the needs of your game