Graces Games believes game development should be accessible to everyone. Our products simplify and streamline the process so you can focus on what is most important: the game itself.
We also love to play games together. Our cooperative games allow players to achieve a common goal and share an experience. By playing together, the fun is greater than the sum of its parts.
Turn Based Shooter Kit
Unreal Engine
[Fab][fab]{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noreferrer"} and [Website][website]{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noreferrer"}
The Turn Based Shooter Kit is an easy to use template for creating first-person turn-based shooter type of games!
While the kit uses sprite visuals and a shooter setting, the logic can easily be applied to 3D models and a fantasy setting.
The player has to battle enemies in turns while collecting several pickups (e.g. weapons, ammo, keys).
The game includes multiple types of enemies, which can easily be extended.
The kit contains easy to understand systems for health, ammo, stats, inventory, leveling, save/load functionality and more.
The kit supports PC and Web and has been tested on Windows and Mac OS.
The template is created using Blueprints and allows easy customization.
The project will be maintained, so feel free to get in touch to suggest changes, features or anything else.
The main features are:
- Different types of enemies, pickups and weapons
- Easy to create and modify enemies using templates and components
- Systems for health, ammo, stats, inventory, leveling, save/load functionality
- Extendible level objects that use interaction like locked doors, secret passages and terminals
- And much more
For a complete overview, see the [features page][feature-page]{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noreferrer"}
##### Gameplay
[Fab][fab]{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noreferrer"} and [Website][website]{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noreferrer"}
Interactive Tile Map allows you to add interactive elements to your tile map without manually placing them.
This will allow you to use the tile map editor as a level editor, thereby speeding up your level design process.
You define which tile is replaced by which actor or flipbook animation using the provided [Data Asset]({:target="_blank"}{:rel="noreferrer"} or the [Data Tables]({:target="_blank"}{:rel="noreferrer"}.
The tiles can be defined using TileIdentifier (TileSet + Index) or the Tile User Data Name.
This product is implemented as an ActorComponent and can be added to any actor (e.g. Paper Tile Map Actor).
The replace function can be called at any time and only requires a PaperTileMapComponent to perform the logic on.
It will replace all instances of the defined tiles with the corresponding actors and flipbooks.
Created using Blueprints, fully documented and easy to customize.
The project will be maintained, so feel free to get in touch to suggest changes, features or anything else.
The main features are:
- Replace tiles with actors and/or flipbooks
- Option to spawn flipbook actors or components as children of the tile map actor
- Respects both tile map actor transform and tile transform (e.g. rotation and flip values)
- Set up your desired replacements using Data Assets or Data Tables
- Specify specific layers to keep the performance high
- And much more
For a complete overview, see the [features page][feature-page]{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noreferrer"}
##### Gameplay
[Fab][fab]{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noreferrer"} and [Website][website]{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noreferrer"}
The Push Push Puzzle 2D Kit is an easy to use template for creating top down Push Push or Sokoban type of games in 2D!
The player has to beat each puzzle in the least amount of time while collecting the most coins.
Each step counts so think before you move. Can you beat your high score?
The game includes several example levels, which can easily be extended using the tile map editor.
The kit supports PC and mobile platforms and has been tested on Windows, Mac OS and Android.
The template is created using Blueprints and allows easy customization.
The project will be maintained, so feel free to get in touch to suggest changes, features or anything else.
The main features are:
- Different playable characters including character select
- Simply create rooms using tile maps and tile sets (drag and drop)
- Systems for steps taken, time and coins per level, locking levels and save/load functionality
- And much more
For a complete overview, see the [features page][feature-page]{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noreferrer"}
##### Gameplay
[Fab][fab]{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noreferrer"} and [Website][website]{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noreferrer"}
The Roguelike 2D Kit is an easy to use template for creating top down roguelike type of games in 2D!
The player has to beat an endless stream of (generated) rooms by killing/shooting enemies.
The rooms can contain several power-ups (player stats increase, weapon power-ups and more).
The game includes multiple types of enemies, which can easily be extended.
The kit supports PC and mobile platforms and has been tested on Windows, Mac OS and Android.
The template is created using Blueprints and allows easy customization.
The project will be maintained, so feel free to get in touch to suggest changes, features or anything else.
The main features are:
- Different types of enemies, pickups and weapons
- Simply create rooms using tile maps and tile sets (drag and drop)
- Easy to create and modify enemies and power-ups using data tables
- Systems for health, player statistics, score and save/load functionality
- And much more
For a complete overview, see the [features page][feature-page]{:target="_blank"}{:rel="noreferrer"}
##### Gameplay
The Space Shooter 2D Kit is an easy to use template for creating top down space shooter type of games in 2D!
The player has to avoid and shoot enemies while collecting several pickups (nukes, shields and more).
The game includes multiple types of enemies, which can easily be extended.
The kit supports PC and mobile platforms and has been tested on Windows, Mac OS and Android.
The template is created using Blueprints and allows easy customization.
The project will be maintained, so feel free to get in touch to suggest changes, features or anything else.
The main features are:
Different types of enemies, pickups and weapons
Spawners for enemies, pickup and waves of enemies
Systems for health, ammo, score and save/load functionality
The Block Breaker 2D Kit is an easy to use template for creating Block Breaker type of games in 2D!
The player has to beat each level by destroying all the blocks in the shortest amount of time.
The game includes multiple types of blocks and power-ups/power-downs, which can easily be extended.
The kit supports PC and mobile platforms and has been tested on Windows, Mac OS and Android.
The template is created using Blueprints and allows easy customization.
The project will be maintained, so feel free to get in touch to suggest changes, features or anything else.
The main features are:
Different types of blocks, each with their unique characteristics
A multitude of power-ups and power-downs, as well as a loot table per block type
Simply create new levels using drag and drop and a block type selector
Systems for level score, time per level, locking levels and save/load functionality